Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Support Group Topics and a New Class

Nursing Mothers Group Discussion Topics
April 2010
Wednesday Mornings: 10 AM – Noon

Join us in the Breastfeeding Support Center. Babies and toddlers always welcome. Bring your questions and concerns –
In addition to the discussion topic, we’ll explore answers that work for YOU. This is informal and fun!

April 7 He Can’t Be Hungry – He Just Ate!
Babies nurse for many reasons in addition to food. We’ll discuss normal feeding behaviors in breastfed babies AND how mommies can prepare to cope with the demands this can represent.

April 14 What About Dad?
A Dad’s role in the breastfeeding relationship might seem, well . . . invisible. Surprise! What Dads do for babies is also important, though very different from nursing mothers.

April 21 Ah Choo! Allergies and the Breastfed Baby
Breastfed babies have a reduced incidence of allergies. We’ll discuss the protective effective of breastfeeding.

April 28 Taking Fun Vacations with Breastfed Babies
Traveling with a breastfed baby? Join us for a fun discussion and learn some tips from the experienced travelers in the room. Plan ahead for your own get-a-way!

New Class from the BWHC Breastfeeding Support Center

In response to the NEEDS of nursing mothers who are returning to work, we are offering a new class beginning in April: Employed and Breastfeeding Seminar.

First, the basics:

Breastfeeding Works! is the class that ALL expectant parents should attend to learn about the basics of breastfeeding. This puts new moms ahead of the inevitable learning curve
when their babies are born. It includes information about comfortable positioning and latch, how to know that your baby is getting enough to eat, and basic information for trouble-shooting common breastfeeding challenges. You don't have to go it alone!

If you are returning to work, the Employed and Breastfeeding Seminar, is designed for you:

· from 7 to 8 PM, usually on the 3rd Monday of the month
· Call 602-973-3200 to register
· Dads/one support person are welcome and encouraged to attend
· The fee includes attendance for you and your husband, partner or a support person
· Babies and toddlers are welcome – you DON’T need a babysitter
· All class materials are provided, and space is limited.

After reviewing the critical importance of breastfeeding and how the breast makes milk, the evening will focus on:

· how to prioritize so that you can build an ample milk supply early on
· how to add a pumping routine to your life so that you have some milk stored before your return to work or school
· tips to make the transition back to work a little bit easier
· how to negotiate with your employer for a time and place to express your milk
· options to consider if reality is not ideal
· what to do if breastfeeding challenges arise
· information about pumps -- including how breast pumps work and what type of pump is appropriate for your situation
· how to manage the adjustments as you balance your return to work or school

Payment is made when you arrive at 6:45 p.m. the day of your class
· Fee: $10.00
· We accept cash, MasterCard, Visa, and checks payable to Bethany Womens Healthcare

I'm so proud of the many remarkable mothers in our practice who have overcome common challenges when they began breastfeeding. And, then they have adjusted to the return to work AND continued breastfeeding. It just proves that with a good plan, there is NOTHING a woman cannot do!

Sharon Olson, BS, IBCLC

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