Sunday, September 12, 2010

Still in awe...

Just had to drop a post and express some of what I feel while attending births. Had a beautiful VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) birth this morning. Mom and Dad had been planning this birth for years. After their first birth (twins) by C-section 3 years ago, they decided to work toward a different type of experience. They read, connected with others through birth circles, took classes,exercised, ate nutritious food and hired an amazing doula. I feel privileged to have been the one on call who got to be present for the culmination of all their efforts. They arrived at the hospital completely dilated and elegantly moved through contractions to that magical moment as their little son emerged. What strength and determination.! No matter how long I do this work, I am struck by the tenacity and power of women and the beauty of "natural" birth.


  1. It really is an honor to attend births. Anyone that takes it less lightly is crazy :D

  2. Soooo wonderful! What a blessing for the family and all involved.
