Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Celebrating VBACs

Can you imagine a Cesarean Section rate of OVER 32%? That's nearly 1/3 of all births!! Now that's just NOT RIGHT!! Yet, that is the most recent rate from preliminary 2008 data from the CDC. Many of those cesareans are because the mother had a cesarean with her first and she was unable to find support to have a VBAC with her second. The VBAC movement (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) began in earnest in the late 80's-mid 90's. However, recently many hospitals have made it difficult if not impossible for a woman to make that choice. As a result, the CDC has recently convened a conference to address this topic. The summit was convened with expectation that the very best research-based EVIDENCE would be presented to address this "controversial" issue. Data shows about 75% of women who attempt a VBAC will have a vaginal birth and VBACs overall are a reasonable choice for most mothers and babies. ALSO, the experts found that repeat cesareans exposed women to greater risk of death than VBAC and added further risk for future pregnancies including placenta previa and placenta acreta. The conference urged restrictive policies be lifted to support women in their pursuit of a TOL and VBAC. As a practice we welcome this evidence and support for the work we do with VBAC women and their families. We have supported women and their families wanting to attempt a TOL and are heartened with recognition regarding the advisability and researched evidenced from "experts". We have started a VBAC class on the second Monday night of each month, beginning on May 10 from 7 to 9PM. If you are considering or have already chosen a VBAC for your pregnancy, please come join us for this informative and fun class! We will help you outline strategies that will optimize your success!

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