Wednesday, October 6, 2010

National Midwifery Week

Celebrate National Midwifery Week!
Hug your midwife!

It's a week to celebrate the role of midwives in birth across the country. Take a minute to hug your midwives this week! And log onto the ACNM website to learn more about who we are and what we're about. It is a wealth of information about the latest in maternal-infant healthcare. Thank you for choosing a midwife to be part of your birth team!

1 comment:

  1. Jeane Ward is the best....staying with me at my birth in a local hospital. She rubbed my back, whispered "you are strong, you're so good at this," into my ear. She treated me like a princess, and asked me instead of telling me when trying different things to help labor progress. She apologized for monitoring (baby was having obnoxious decels), and she encouraged me to stay out of bed despite her holding the monitor on my belly. She encouraged the nurses to help rather than just record or watch the monitors. She included my husband whenever she could, and he was not just a lump in the room to her. My local midwife is wonderful!

